
KitweOnline is a forum for people who care about Kitwe. We encourage a respectful and positive approach to discussions. If there is a topic you would like to blog about, get in touch with us below. Here is our list of Kitwe online blogs:

Bemba Lessons:

JS - Dr John Sendama

JS – Dr John Sendama

A chance to learn conversational Bemba. This includes the alphabet, phrases, pronunciation and grammar. Audio and video supplements some of the lessons.



by Lydia Mhango

Lydia Mhango - 2

Lydia Mhango


SHE  is a platform to show and talk about the women of Kitwe.  It has nothing to do with social standing, wealth, beauty, disability, education, profession, success etc.  No.  It is simply ‘The Women of Kitwe’ and will therefore endeavour not to have any form of bias.


Cook With Gloria

Gloria Miyoba - (kitweonline)

Gloria Miyoba – (kitweonline)


Zambian food is varied and exciting. It also reflects the rich multicultural origin of people in Kitwe and other Zambian towns. From the traditional to the modern colourful varieties, you can share your favourite dishes with us.


John Katebe

John Katebe - kitweonline

John Katebe – kitweonline

John Katebe is a professional speaker and writer with John Katebe Talks  And Seminars.


Richard Katebe

Richard Katebe - Kitweonline

Richard Katebe – Kitweonline


 Wedson Bwembya Mwenda

AKA Shi Bwembya

Avator icon - kitweonline

Avator icon – kitweonline

Mr Mwenda (“Shi Bwembya” – which means “Bwembya’s father” in iciBemba) worked in Kitwe for 35 years as a miner in Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines before retiring to his home village in Luapula Province.

He regularly visits Kitwe and likes to share his observations about how things were in the good old days.

He is also a firm believer in passing on the wisdom of the elders for the benefit of the the new generation of “All Zambians and all foreign Zambians” as he puts it.


Muntanga Denny Moonde

Denny Moonde - kitweonline

Denny Moonde – kitweonline

Denny is a poet whose interest in poetry dates back to his school days at Munali Secondary School where he served as Secretary of its Writers Association.

His poems are about life in general. He is passionate about encouraging people to express themselves creatively.


One Thought on Blogs
    Wendy Smith
    14 Apr 2014

    Hello, I lived in Kitwe many years ago. In fact right back in 1957, just before Christmas we arrived and moved into a flat. I loved Kitwe from the start, my school was St.Johns Convent and later I went to Kitwe Girls High School. This year, in June I am going back for the first time since I left in 1962 at the age of fourteen. I would love to visit St.John’s, and to see the places we lived in. My memory is rusty and of course names have changed but I think our first home was in “Lazaravik” Flats? I am wondering if that is now called Fipande Flats.


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