Following on an earlier article on the price of groceries in Kitwe (October 2010) we present the latest figures based on nationwide averages.
Zambia’s Top 5 Trade Partners
by JS •
Have you ever wondered what Zambia exports and where it goes to?
A Catalogue Of Zambian Money: 1953 – 2011
by JS •
A catalogue of Zambian money illustrates the varied and interesting range of coins and paper money that have been used at different times in this part of Africa. The history of Africa reveals that Zambia was a former colony of Great Britain. Zambia (Northern Rhodesia), Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia and Malawi (Nyasaland) later briefly formed the…
A Medicine Man Promised To Multiply Your Old Money
by JS •
It is difficult to convey the magic a coin held for child in my day to a modern child whose experience is limited to paper money which delivers a less exciting experience in your pocket.
Copper Production In Kitwe, Zambia
by JS •
This video about Copper production in Kitwe, Zambia was posted on YouTube by Don434
Information Sources For Businesses In Kitwe
by JS •
Accurate, up to date information helps your business to predict the future, plan for it and manage change successfully.
On Being Fat – The Solution
by John Katebe •
I hope by discussing my problem, I may find psychological healing which is a prelude to physical healing.
30 Tips To Improve Your Smart Phone Battery Life
by JS •
Implementing as many of the 30 tips we discuss here as possible can result in a dramatic improvement in your phone’s battery life.
by JS •
KitweOnline is seeking bloggers and writers to contribute.
Discover News Archives About Kitwe!
by JS •
Google has scanned thousands of news papers from the archives. Using Optical Character Recognition software, it is able to read the text, thus making the content searchable in Google News.