This blog explores the harmful practice of burning waste in residential areas of Zambia, its impact on air pollution and health, and offers solutions for addressing this pressing issue.
In our latest blog post, we delve into the astounding power of the sun and its potential to transform our energy landscape. Every hour, the Earth is bathed in 173,000 terawatt-hours of solar energy, which astonishingly matches the amount of energy humans consume globally in an entire year. This revelation not only highlights the immense power of solar energy but also underscores the vast potential it holds for future energy solutions.
Join us as we explore how Kitwe’s leveraging this abundant resource is leading to a revolution in how we power our city, homes, and lives. From reducing our carbon footprint to enhancing energy security, the benefits of solar power is propelling us towards a more sustainable and resilient future. Discover the possibilities in “Sunshine Power” and imagine a world where clean energy is not just a dream but a daily reality.