Seventy two tribes within the boundaries of Zambia, together with people from surrounding countries and far afield, have led to a melting pot of exotic cuisine. It is possible to have a different, satisfying meal each day of the year.
Fertile land and abundant water supplies make it possible for a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables to grow in abundance. Sun-ripened fruit tastes so deliciously different from artificially ripened fruit often found in large super markets that you have to taste the difference to really appreciate the heady aromas and gushing tastes.
Freshly prepared ingredients make for exciting dishes that make Zambian cuisine a real journey of discovery. Sun-dried ingredients have their own rich character that is preserved in these local dishes.
Seasonal dishes include fruit, vegetables and mushrooms that are only freshly available in the rainy season (November to March).
Vegan, vegetarian and regular dietary needs are all easily catered for because there is such an abundance of ingredients.
It’s true that it is getting harder to find food that is not laced with artificial ingredients from fertilizers and preservatives, but it is still possible to get that natural taste all over the country. It is an experience worth seeking out while you still can get it.
Easily available at food stalls, in restaurants and hotels, Zambian cuisine is also reasonably priced. You can also easily source your own ingredients at the market and easily make the different dishes at home.
All dishes go down well with a glass of water.
Cook With Gloria (In memory of Gloria Miyoba)