Kitwe Poetry Corner – Jan 2011

Lydia Mhango

This week we present a bonanza of poems that were read on 7th January, 2011 at Kitwe Poetry Corner (Kitwe Little Theatre on Kantanta Street):

Poets include Leonard Koloko, Barney Kanjela, Boyd Kaimbi Chibale, Richard Likumba and Bwalya Kazungo.


    By Leonard Koloko
It is not all the time
That all words come out in rhyme
There are times we stumble and fall
And cry when we lose it all.
It’s all like this in life
Where we face much pain and strife
Nevertheless, enjoy your life!
By Boyd Kaimbi Chibale
And now it’s on
And it feels like my own
A life with a crown.
Though I am treated like a pawn
I do not frown
Because I am grown.
I may be brown
And wear a gown
But I remain me
And will always be.
        By Richard Likumba
I dwell in the forbidden zone
There where the formless takes form
Where all worry is gone
Into oblivion, a plume.
I dwell in the forbidden zone
Where I let my fantasy roam
To the fringes of norms
Acceptable to me alone.
I despise intrusion
In my area of comfort
The ghouls that pervade my zone
In mist dissolve.
Malicious scheming that abound
Encompass not my zone
Triumphant and elite is my resolve
To fulfill my own.
Untouchable and unreachable
Is my standard
They that clamour to disable
My resolve to maintain.
I dwell in the forbidden zone
Where I am set to remain
Paranoia and delusion a figment of their own
Unfazed by their wrong.
I dwell in the forbidden zone
Where sense is not known
Where egomania is the norm
Eccentricities freely roam
I love the forbidden zone.
     Bwalya Kazungo
Head of my eyes
Eyes of my head
See and visualize
Realize your focus
And focus on reality.
Dry out the tears,
Tears of sorrow,
Swallow your sorrow
As you realize
Realize that everything has its own time
Time unlimited
Time undefined
Time to do something
Something for something
Something for nothing
Something for anything
Because everything is for something
Everything is not for nothing
Nothing can be for everything
Nothing can beat everything
Like anything beats anything
Nothing can not, can be, can do
Some things can
It’s just how you envision your vision.
And from the December 2010 readings:
Once upon a Time
Barney Kanjela
Once upon a time, there used to be collars
Blue, white or khaki
But they were there
Blue collar job, white collar job and khaki
Khaki collar jobs for the “wanandi”
Now? There are no collars any more
Not even translucent
Leaving the necks bare.
Blue collared top dogs owned mansions
White collar top dogs owned cars
Khaki collar top dogs owned bicycles
And all the dogs were happy.
Now, we only have thieves
Snatchers and thieves have so much wealth
Use milk and honey for pool water
For entertainment
Blue collared dogs went to theatre houses
The wanandi went traditional dancing
Now, they all go to brothels and guesthouses
They go everywhere for beer, sex and religion
Wasps and bees can’t sting any more
They are emaciated
The flowers have been turned to samba grass
Dry grass must burn so that fresh grass can grow
We should all burn to hell so that a fresh generation
Can start afresh.
Richard Likumba
I kicked a dog
And loved it
The dog I kicked
was a mangy dog.
Doleful was the look
of the dog I kicked,
Pathetic was its snarl,
mixed was the reaction
of the onlookers.
My stare they could not hold
Dastard was my act,
cheeky was my dare.
None did speak out,
none seemed to care
For in their shame
They enjoyed the sight
Yet would not admit
Their latent thirst for sadism
I kicked the dog
To put to fore
Their cowardice to protest evil
Revulsion soon overtakes my thrill
And so it has been that
All cower in the
Face of senseless brutality
I kicked a dog and I regret.
Now I shall kick a politician
And will enjoy it.
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