Medical doctor, author, entrepreneur.

Copperbelt Province Statistics

Copperbelt Province Statistics

Zambia’s mineral rich Copperbelt continues to reveal new deposits of other precious metals. The population of its ten districts is now approaching 2.5 million people. Lufwanyama and Mpongwe are the largest districts. Mpongwe boasts some of the region’s largest commercial farms. The following figures are based on the 2015 Population Census figures: Table 1 District…

Franco’s Message, From Beyond the Grave

Franco-Attention na Sida

2015 saw the emergence of an aggressive strain of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) called CRF19 (Circulating Recombinant Form). While the older HIV virus can lead to AIDS(Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in six to ten years, CRF19 accelerates the rate to within three years. The good news is that the new form seems to be restricted…


Mark Bennet - iSchool founder

Wisdom is an ability to use other peoples’ experiences and life lessons to improve our own experience through life. It is not in everybody’s interest to spread this kind of knowledge, however. The marketeer jealously guards the sources and prices of his merchandise in order to make a profit. The despot uses ignorance and fear…

Creating Smiles

A smiling baby

When was the last time you smiled? Who made you smile? When was the last time you made someone smile? Can you make another person smile today? A smile is an expression of a beautiful emotion. It does not cost much and everybody is capable of creating that emotion in other people. Babies just a…

Kitwe – Before and After Photos_1

Coronation_Square_Kitwe_Kaunda Square2

Kitwe City/Kaunda/Coronation Square – 24 November 2014 Kitwe has changed over the years. Photographs are an interesting way to show and compare these changes. If you are visiting Kitwe after some time, you will notice how congested the town centre has become. This is one reason the City Council has laid out plans to open up land across…

Bemba Lesson 27: Emergencies

Emergency Bemba Phrases

Bemba Phrases to Use in Emergencies.In this lesson you will learn some phrases that will come in handy in emergency situations. It will help you to understand what someone may be trying to communicate to you in an emergency. It can also prepare you to communicate in Bemba when you are faced with an emergency. If…



The map of Kitwe as it was in 1961 is a historical gem made available to KitweOnline and to all our readers and educational institutions in Zambia by Dave Cooper, the founder of Great North Road website. Zambia was then called Northern Rhodesia and most names reflected the tastes of the British settlers who named places…

Kitwe’s War Memorial

Kitwe War Memorial

An Empty Grave(Cenotaph) at Kaunda Square There was no Facebook, Twitter or other Social Media, so the civic leaders of Kitwe City Council carved a message in stone in the middle of Kaunda Square(formerly known as Coronation Square). A cenotaph was erected outside the Kitwe Civic Centre when it was still located in what is now…

Monica Musonda – Entrepreneur


Monica Musonda, the CEO of Java Foods Ltd talks to future entrepreneurs at Bongo Hive. Her inspirational advice in February 2014 is just as relevant today as it was then. Wheat is a Zambian export because Zambia grows more wheat than we can use. Monica saw a unique opportunity and went for it. She now has…