Bemba Sayings

The wisdom of the Bemba people has been passed from generation to generation in oral tradition. Bemba sayings have a superficial meaning as well as a deeper one. The deeper one carries the intended teaching.

Amapinda yamu ciBemba – 3

Bemba Proverbs: 3.  “Kumusumba takwabikilwa nkwa.” That is to say: Don’t plan to do your job if you have to do something for someone more important. Emukutila: Ngawatumwa ukubombela umukankala umo umulimo, utale ulabeko kumilimo yobe.         ___________

Amapinda yamu ciBemba – 2

Bemba Proverbs: 2. “Ndi musunga wa mpundu, nyambalala pa muulu.” That is to say: I seem harmless, but if you pester me, I am dangerous. Emukutila: Mwimona fino nafuuka elyo mulembelesha nganafulwa nalishupa.   _____________

Amapinda yamu ciBemba – 1

Bemba Proverbs: 1. “Impande yalubiile mukwalaula.” That is to say: Do not let everyone finger your jewels, they may get lost. Emukutila: Wilalekela ababiyo balekwangashisha ifyo wakwata pantu kuti bakonowila nangu bakulufisha. _____   _________