
Zambian culture is a mixture of traditions from all 73 Zambian tribes influenced by practices from other countries.

The History of Kitwe

Next time you walk down the street, wherever you are, take a good look around you. You are watching history from a privileged front seat. The sights, sounds and smells around you are the ingredients of a historic time capsule. Someone down the line will look back one day, and wonder what it was like to walk where you are walking today.

Zambian Music Evolution

Zambia, like the rest of Africa is a very musical society. There’s music for every occasion, be it recreation, work, weddings, birth, funerals, prayer or special occasions. When you multiply this by the 78 Zambian languages, you end up with a wide array of styles.

Copperbelt Roadside Artists

Zambians have always expressed themselves in song and dance while working and for recreation. There is archeological evidence showing that Zambians have been painting for at least 400,000 years!This aspect of Zambian creativity is less publicized.

Kitwe Poetry Corner – Barney Kanjela

Barney Kanjela is one of Zambia’s most prolific literary heavy weights. The author of many scripts that have been translated into plays and performed in different countries. He is one of the forces behind Kitwe Poetry Corner.
Barney’s poem of the week is entitled CHANGES.

Poetry Corner Launches in Kitwe

In a quiet corner of Kitwe Little Theatre, one by one they stood up to recite their poems. These are members of Poetry Corner which was launched at Kitwe Little Theatre on Friday, 18th June, 2010. Lydia Mhango, the Co-ordinator of the group explained that Poetry Corner aims to encourage poetry writing and reading in Kitwe.