Born to Reign

A Joyful Song

Music, with its universal language, often finds a way to convey the deepest of emotions and the most profound messages. “Born to Reign,” a happy blues composition, stands out as a beautiful blend of soulful melodies and powerful lyrics that tell the story of Jesus Christ. Let’s explore the song and its uplifting message.

The Song: An Overview

“Born to Reign” is a captivating blues composition that, despite its genre’s traditional association with melancholy, bursts forth with a sense of joy and hope. The song’s structure, consisting of four verses and a repeating chorus, narrates the life, mission, and ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ in a manner that is both engaging and spiritually enriching.

Verse 1: The Joyous Birth

The first verse sets the tone with a celebration of Jesus’ birth:

A king was born to us.
Angels heralded his birth.
Wise men came from the east
To pay homage to him.

These lines vividly capture the nativity scene, highlighting the divine proclamation by the angels and the homage paid by the wise men. The verse encapsulates the universal recognition of Jesus’ kingship from the moment of his birth.

Chorus: The Path of Sacrifice

The chorus, repeated throughout the song, emphasizes the central theme of Jesus’ mission:

Though he was born to reign
He first had to taste death
It was his father’s will
That Jesus dies for us

This chorus is a poignant reminder of the paradox of Jesus’ life. Born to reign, he had to endure death, fulfilling his Father’s will to save humanity. The lyrics highlight the essence of Christian faith—the sacrificial love of Jesus.

Verse 2: The Early Trials

The second verse delves into the challenges faced by Jesus early in his life:

Herod sought to kill him
So Jesus had to hide
Until the time was right
For him to do God’s work

Here, the song references the threat posed by King Herod and the subsequent need for Jesus to seek refuge. This verse emphasizes the divine timing and protection over Jesus’ mission, reinforcing the belief that every event in his life was part of a greater plan.

Verse 3: The Ultimate Sacrifice

The third verse captures the heart of Jesus’ mission:

Jesus loved us so much
He gave his life for us
To save us from our sin
So we might reign with him

This verse speaks to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus—giving his life out of love for humanity. It underscores the redemptive power of his sacrifice, offering believers the promise of reigning with him.

Verse 4: The Promise of Eternal Life

The final verse brings a message of hope and eternal life:

Because Jesus Christ died
We can live forever
If we turn from our sin
And believe in his word

This verse extends an invitation to all listeners, encouraging them to embrace the teachings of Jesus and the promise of eternal life. It serves as a call to action, urging a personal commitment to faith.

The Happy Blues Composition

What makes “Born to Reign” particularly unique is its musical style. While blues music is often associated with sorrow and hardship, this song turns the genre on its head with an upbeat rhythm and a lively melody. The happy blues composition creates an atmosphere of celebration, reinforcing the joyous news of Jesus’ birth and the hope his life brings.


“Born to Reign” is more than just a song; it’s a powerful narrative set to a joyful tune. Its happy blues composition and meaningful lyrics offer listeners a chance to reflect on the life, sacrifice, and love of Jesus Christ. Whether you’re a devout believer or simply someone who appreciates good music, “Born to Reign” provides a spiritually enriching and musically delightful experience.

As you listen to “Born to Reign,” allow its joyful strains and heartfelt message to inspire and uplift you. Celebrate the king who was born, the savior who sacrificed, and the promise of eternal life he offers. In this happy blues composition, find both inspiration and a reminder of the enduring power of faith.


[Verse 1]
A king was born to us.
Angels heralded his birth.
Wise men came from the east
To pay homage to him.

Though he was born to reign
He first had to taste death
It was his father’s will
That Jesus dies for us

[Verse 2]
Herod sought to kill him
So Jesus had to hide
Until the time was right
For him to do God’s work

[Verse 3]
Jesus loved us so much
He gave his life for us
To save us from our sin
So we might reign with him

[Verse 4]
Because Jesus Christ died
We can live for ever
If we turn from our sin
And believe in his word.

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