A Tour Of Kitwe In Pictures


KitweOnline is proud to bring you another tour of Kitwe in pictures. How long has it been since you walked down our Kitwe streets and along the hedge-lined foot paths between houses in Chamboli or Wusakile? The vibrant sounds of children singing and dancing, bicycle bells ringing, dogs barking, cars hooting and mini bus conductors shouting as they ply their trade,  combine with the smells of "ifisashi" (peanut butter sauce) cooking here and chicken there, to make for an unforgettable experience.

On a hot day, the tranquility of the tree lined tarred surburban streets with tiled house roofs and extensive gardens forms a contrast to the outlying areas.

The city centre roads bursting at the seams as the rush hour traffic craws along is a reminder that Kitwe is not what it used to be. It is a cosmopolitan town with a population of well over half a million people, and growing. 

This is the raw experience of Kitwe. It is not possible to capture the wide range of experiences you can get going around the city. It is possible, however, to capture  snippets of that experience and share it in pictures and video.

If you would like to contribute your experiences and photos of Kitwe, we would like to hear from you. Send us a message in the box below.




The following is an index of the slides in this show:


Kitwe-Ndola Rd – Wusakile sludge dump
Kitwe-Ndola Rd – Wusakile Section E
Kitwe-Ndola Rd – "Kamatemate"  Wusakile Stream
Kitwe-Ndola Rd – Kafue Bridge (South view))
Lufwanyama Road – rainbow
BP Filling Station – Chibuluma / Nyerere Road
Maize growing in back yard
Maize and peanuts in backyard
St Margaret's United Church
Nkana East – Kabala Filling station
Nkana East – Kabala Market
Kaunda Square – South East view
Kaunda Square – North-East view
Matuka Avenue – East view
Independence Road at Shoprite – South view
Nkana East – Central Street / 25th Street
Nkana East – Central Street / 25th Street – East view
Mopani Nurses Minibus
Chamboli minibus
Chamboli shops – North view
Chamboli – Big Mabbu groceries
Boy with car tyre "Bike" – Chamboli
Chamboli DIY house extension – Section M
Chamboli DIY house extension – Section M – 2
Chamboli Basic School gate
Chamboli Basic School wall fence
Chamboli side road
Chamboli Basic School classrooms
Chamboli Basic School yard
Wusakile SOB Shaft viewed from Chamboli
Chamboli crossing to Wusakile – F Section
Wusakile – Church Street Cnr Mindolo Road – East view
Wusakile SOB Mine Shaft
Nkana Smelter, Wusakile. Kitwe
Wusakile – Scrivener Stadium – South view
Wusakile Community Offices and sludge dump
Wusakile Market
Wusakile sludge dump at Cnr. Market / Hospital Road
Wusakile turn off / Agricultural Show Grounds
Wusakile Hospital main entrance
Kitwe-Ndola Road – 16ft Bridge
Wusakile sludge dump from dual carriage way
Wusakile 16ft Bridge
Kitwe-Ndola Road – looking South
Wusakile sludge dump – East face
Wusakile – Old O.B. Bennett Hall
Central Street Railway crossing
Car and Truck market at Central Street traffic lights
Central Street – Nkana West view
11th Avenue – North view towards town center
11th Avenue – Level Crossing
Accra Road – South view
Kumasamba Lodge lake
Kafue River
Kumasamba Lodge bird life
Spur farm house gazebo
Zemics Park Lodge foyer
Zemics Park Lodge swimming pool
Zemics Park Lodge – bar
Ndola- Kitwe dual carriage way road sign
Kamfinsa – Welcome To Kitwe Sign
Luanshya Turn off
Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Site
Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Site – Museum
Nyerere Rd Cnr Zomba Road near bridge
Maize and groundnuts field
Flamboyant tree in flower
A house in Nkana East suburb
3 Nasikambo – Garden3
Kitwe skyline
Kitwe School Of Nursing
Mindolo Boating Club 3 -KitweOnLine.
If you would like to share your photos or video footage of Kitwe, get in touch. send us a message in the box below.
5 Thoughts on A Tour Of Kitwe In Pictures
    27 Nov 2011

    Boss, how come you have only put the less than palatable photoes of kitwe, is this what you want to sell to the world out there?

      27 Nov 2011

      Tata, You are right, we can do much better than this. We are working on getting better photos in the near future. Do you have specific places you would like to see added? If so, please let us know. We also encourage our readers to contribute photos (they hold copyrights to,) for publication. Thanks for your contribution.

    Lesley Mayne
    4 Jul 2023

    It looks amazing…I was born in kitwe, as was my sister and father. My grandad was a doctor in the 50’s and early 60’s there, my grandmother, a sister, both at the hospital. My dad was a mining engineer, we left when I was very young, I have stories but no memories, so for me, these photos are what my parents and grandparents saw. Thank you

      Ian Watson
      22 Aug 2023

      I arrived in Kitwe as a 5 year old in 1949 . My father worked on the mine, so as a family we depended on the mine hospital and its staff . Whenever I needed to see a doctor I always hoped I would be treated by Dr Mayne, be it at home or at the hospital! He was such a nice man!

        Lesley broome
        21 Sep 2023

        Wow someone actually replied! I suspect most people have moved or are not with us anymore now who might have remembered my grandad.. thank you for replying, I had heard he was a kind man with a good sense of humour but more a sense of duty to his patients, even on his death bed in his own hospital. I wonder would you know, if you are still out there, is there a church/graveyard there nearby at all? Thank you.


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