73 Ways to Say Hello – Bemba Lesson 34

It is commonly known that Zambia has 73 languages. If you are like me, you will be familiar with a handful of them but not all of them. I don’t know of anyone who understands all 73 languages.

73 Ways To Say Hello in Zambia (kitweonline)

When it comes to greetings, however, we can make some progress by pooling together and teaching each other how to exchange greetings in each language.

Bemba Lesson 6 in our series of lessons covered greetings in Bemba. 

We need your help to create a comprehensive resource on the diverse range of greetings in Zambia’s 73 languages. Your contribution can make a big difference in preserving and celebrating the linguistic and cultural heritage of Zambia.

If you speak any of Zambia’s languages, we encourage you to share your knowledge with us by providing information on the traditional greetings used in your community. Whether it’s a formal greeting, a casual greeting, or a special greeting for different occasions, every bit of information helps to enrich our understanding of Zambia’s linguistic and cultural diversity.

To participate, simply leave a comment on this blog post with the name of the language and the traditional greeting(s) used in that language. If you know more than one language, feel free to contribute information on all of them!

Thank you for your help in this important project. Together, we can create a valuable resource for future generations to learn from and enjoy.


Hello, Hi  = Muli shani?
Welcome = Mwaiseni
Welcome (respectfully) = Mwaiseni mukwai
How are you? = Muli shani?
I’m fine, thanks. How are you? =  Ndifye bwino, naimwe ngamuli shani?
I’m fine, thanks. How are you? =  Ndifye bwino, ngaimwe muli shani?

Good morning = Mwashibukeni
Good afternoon = Chungulopo mukwai
Good evening =Chungulopo mukwai
Good afternoon (Resting) = Mwatandaleni
Good afternoon (Working) = Mwabombeni
Good night and Bye = Sendamenipo umutende
Goodbye =  Shalenipo
Stay in Peace =  Shalenipo umutende
Have a nice day (Resting) =  Tandalenipo umutende
Have a nice day (Working) = Bombenipo umutende
See you later  =   Tukamonana limbi

(For Bemba Audio, check out Lesson 6).


Hello, Hi = Moni
Welcome = Moni
Welcome (respectfully) = Moni
How was your journey? = Mwayenda bwanji?
How are you? = Muli bwanji? / Bwanji?
I’m fine, thanks. How are you? = Ndili bwino, zikomo. Kaya inu?
Good morning = Mwauka bwanji?
Good afternoon = Mwachoma bwanji?
Good evening = Mwachoma bwanji?
Good afternoon (Resting) = Mwachoma bwanji?
Good afternoon (Working) = Mwasebenza bwanji?
Good night and Bye = Mugone bwino / Gonani bwino
Goodbye = Nayenda
Stay well = Tsalani Bwino
Have a nice day (Resting) = ………………….
Have a nice day (Working) = ………………….
See you later = Tizaonana
Safe journey = Yendani bwino / Muyende bwino


Leave a comment on this blog post with the name of the language and the traditional greeting(s) used in that language to add to this information.

Bemba English Dictionary
Bemba English Dictionary
3 Thoughts on 73 Ways to Say Hello – Bemba Lesson 34
    8 May 2023

    An easy way to learn bemba

    Ivor Chilabika JR
    13 Apr 2023

    This very impressive keep up the good work🤩🤩😍

      15 Apr 2023

      We look forward to more readers participating in this project with different languages.


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