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English-Bemba Dictionary by John Sendama Dr. $2.99 from Smashwords.com
Bemba is one of Zambia's 72 languages. It is also the most widely spoken in the northern part of the country and along the line of rail. Bemba continues to evolve as it assimilates words from other languages, including English. Those learning the language will find this dictionary helpful.
The dictionary is available in the following formats:
- Kindle (.mobi for Kindle devices and Kindle apps)
- Epub (Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others)
- PDF (good for reading on PC, or for home printing)
- Online Reading (HTML, good for sampling in web browser)
- RTF (readable on most word processors)
- LRF (Use only for older model Sony Readers that don't support .epub)
- Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices)
- Plain Text (download) (flexible, but lacks much formatting)
- Plain Text (view) (viewable as web page)
You can view a sample of the dictionary here:
i want to download this book.
how can I download this book
Hi Elick, You can download a free sample of the dictionary on this Smashwords website:https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/158704
I like this book because it teaches me a lot
Hello Wellington,
Click on the link above the video or this one: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/158704?ref=drjs
Its good
Thanks, Derick.
I need a bemba dictionary
Thanks John, bought it on Smashwords.
Thanks for your feedback and support in buying the Dictionary.
I am still preparing the audio files and look forward to making them available in the near future.
hi mr john I would like to buy a dictionary .were can I get it bcoz currently
I am away from zambia
How can i download it?
Hi Obed. You can buy a copy of the First Edition of the Bemba Dictionary here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/158704
How can I download this book
Love is shown by affections
Hi Reymond.
“Love is shown by affections” can be translated as “Icitemwiko chimonekela mumicitile.”
How can I download this book
How can I download this books pliz
I want this dictionary
Hi Felix,
You can get the full electronic version of this English-Bemba Dictionary for $2.99 on Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/158704
I want this dictionary… Is there any way that I can buy it through something as simple as Mobile Money and have it sent to me either via email of WhatsApp?
I really appreciate for this
can payments be made through mobile money.
Yes. Text the word “Dictionary” to +260973980018 before making the payment for the dictionary and you will receive a Receipt Number as you reference after the purchase.
I want to understand English in bemba very well
Educative books
How much is the book in kwacha