Roses, Kisses and Chocolates 3
Bwalya Kazungo
I can see the hustling and bustling of the city
I an hear the sirens and whistling of the city
To conjure images
Images of hallucinated burial banks of institutions
And as I looked back
My form became a heap of bones and flesh
Creating sweet memories
Memories of my good old days
Our days
Your days
When there were roses, kisses and chocolates
Roses, kisses and chocolates
Came but from a forbidden source
From a forbidden source
To appease the taste of male chauvinism
And now creating the hustling and bustling of the city
Sirens and whistles I make no mention
For I was just roses, kisses and chocolates….
Rain and Bankruptcy
Barney Kanjela
In the beginning was the word
That word was with God and it was good
Who picket sticks, grass an dust
Unto the dust he poureth water and rolled it
And saw that it was good.
This rolled piece dried d picket it
Unto it, he blew some everlasting breeze
The everlasting breeze createth the body
It made a heart as battery for motion
And an origineteth.
The everlasting breeze moveth again, he brain pulsed
The pulsing brain turned into a Frankenstein
It took over all the body parts, that includeth the everlasting breeze
That createth it
It started sparking thoughts like fireworks.
The advent of brain made man know how he came about
How to live, today, tomorrow and forever
Hence that brings fear of gain back to grass, sticks and dust
But the everlasting breeze feareth not.
The everlasting death does not fear death as, it never dies
The brain dies, the blood coagulates, making us moribund
When this happens, the brain turns into grass, sticks and dust
The brain cringes at this thought.
Where does this leave me
To look forward to this day of grass, sticks and dust
When the breeze will take over again
It will signify the end of BRAIN and BANKRUPTRY
In the Eyes of a Fool
Moddy Muponisi
Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honour is not fitting for a fool.
Like fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.
A whip for the horse, a halter for the donkey, and a “ROD FOR THE BACK OF A FOOL”.
Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself.
Answer a food according to his foolishness, and he will be wise in his own eyes.
Like cutting off one’s feet or drinking violence, is the sending of the message in the hand of a fool.
A proverb in the mouth of a fool is like a thorn bush in a drunkard’s hand.
Giving honour to a fool is like tying a stone in a sling.
A fool find no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions/
As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to his stupidity.
But then one can choose to be wise by keeping silent, being perceptive, hold on to bitterness and crown oneself with knowledge.
Webster Kamaloni
Those that think they are sane never think that they could be the ones who are insane
Those that think they know never think that they could be the ones who don’t know
Those that think they have found it never think they could be the ones who have lost it
Those that think they have achieved never think that they are the ones who have failed
All it takes is the willingness to see your world a little bit different
The courage to step out of your comfort zones
The determination to learn
The greater control over your life, starting with your thoughts
You see your thoughts determine your feelings and your feelings inspire your actions
Your thoughts carry tremendous power and will usually determine your quality of life
Your belies are nothing but thoughts that have been consciously or sub-consciously expresses so many times that they have become indisputable facts in your mind
Remember you are the boss in this process
So stay tuned.
Sam Kabange
Will against reason – WAR
Wrath above reason – WAR
Wasted anger results – WAR
What is WAR?
Did I hear one prudent soul insinuate that war is one’s quarrel magnified a thousand times?
Is it not the looting of souls of hapless and helpless?
The vulnerable an vanquished by the great and might
Is it the greatest expression of the absence of tenderness?
The absence of kindness
The absence of love
Is it not just the greatness of the art of loving to hurt and injure?
What the heck!
Our men in uniform need jobs!
Tribute to all artists
Leonard Koloko
They say we march
In a world of our insanity
Striving against the winds of vanity
They think we are evil
Standing as children of the devil
But mistaken truly they are
We are servants of Mulungu
The first and foremost artist.
Mind you earth, didn’t just occur, it was created.
For creation is better than destruction
We carry out Mulungu’s instruction
To create and beautify
To explore nature and expose it
On canvas we splash paints
To obtain floral scents
Out of clay we mould pots
Out of wood we carve out figures
So expressive
Do decorative
On stage we reflect the ills and joys of society
In song and poetry our deep feelings we sing
Neglected in society though we are
Humble and peaceful as we are
United we stand…
We are Mulungu’s envoys!