It's a well known fact that two people can be looking at the same thing and still argue about what they are seeing when they fail to take into account the other's location.

How well do you know Kitwe? Whether you are a visitor or a veteran, you will definitely see new detail from the air.
Using Google Earth we put together this video of an aerial tour of Kitwe.

Fly over Kitwe and see the main land marks including Kafue River, Chamboli,Wusakile,Ndeke,Nkana West,Nkana East, Town Center, Freedom Park, Chisokone Market, Parklands,Riverside,Mindolo Open pit, Mindolo Dam and South Downs Airport.
In the near future we will bring you a tour of Points Of Interest in and around Kitwe on the Copperbelt. If you have any special places you wish to see in the next episode, write in and tell us your thoughts.
We hope you enjoy this video. Tell us what you like about it and what you would like to see done differently.
Which part of the kitwe does the kafue river passes through?
Somebody said it does not pass through kitwe, he said it only passes through mufurila and chililabombwe and other places, I told to say that; what about the one that passes behind cbu (the copperbelt university) or simply end of chipata compound? He said that, that one is not a kafue river?
Pleases help to understand where the location of the kafue river is/through, am conducting a research project on this river, so your help will be highly appreciated.
Bwalya Mike.
Thank you.
Hi Mike,
The Kafue River passes between Chingola and Chililabombwe as it makes its way Eastwards towards Kitwe. The road to Mufulira crosses it AFTER Sabina junction.
Ask your friend to check the facts in an atlas or on Google Maps. He will find that you are quite right.
Kafue River indeed pass through Kitwe town the bridge you cross when you are coming from NDOLA coming to Kitwe after the police checkpoint is the Kafue River the bridge is between police checkpoint and Luangwa or Moba hotel.
I have lived here in Kitwe all of my life.
The Kafue River passes the ‘outside’ and to the of the east of Kitwe at the east end of Central Street again to the East of what was the Kitwe East Power Corporation – the main power and switching statio. The power originating from the Kariba Dam power station.