English-Bemba Dictionary: Ng’……


Click on a letter of the alphabet to get to the appropriate section of the English to Bemba dictionary:

A , BC, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M

N, Ng'   ,O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

(For Free English to Bemba Translation Service click here) 


One of the three consonants sounds for which there is no equivalent in English is the Ng' sound. It sounds like a soft, nasal  "g" sound in  "…nger" in the English word "Singer". In Bemba this velar nasal sound can occur at the beginning of a word, unlike in English.

It is also represented as "ɧ" , as in "iɧanda" (House)

Here are some common occurrences in Bemba:


Bemba   –    English

Ng'ana                  Ring or crown (eg. of grass) placed on head to cushion heavy loads

Ng'anda                House: Home; Hut

Ng'andu                The Crocodile totem

Ng'anga                Witchdoctor; Medicine man

Ng'anse                Crab

Ng'anu                   Wheat

Ng'oma                  Drum

Ng'ombe                Cow; Cattle; Bull

Ng'onta                  Groan

Ng'umba                Infertile woman

Ng'wena                Crocodile

Ng'wing'winsa     Mumble

Ng'wing'winta      Grumble



Click on a letter of the alphabet to get to the appropriate section of the English to Bemba dictionary:

A , BC, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M


N, Ng', O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z




3 Thoughts on English-Bemba Dictionary: Ng’……
    Bupe Siakalima
    5 Jul 2020

    Nice.peace.of work. Well done. I just have a.question. Conscience isnt the bemba version ‘kampingu’

      18 Nov 2021

      I want learn English

    5 Jul 2020

    It is a very wonderful project. most of congolese people want to learn the Bemba language . finish the whole dictionary as soon as possible


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