English-Bemba Dictionary: Na-Nu
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English – Bemba
Pace Lutampulo
Pack (n.) Cifunda
Pack Longa
Pact Cumfwano
Paddle Nkafi
Pagan Musenshi
Paganism Cisenshi
Page (book) Ibûla
Pail Mbeketi
Pain Bukali
Pain (mental) Bulanda
Paint (n) Ilangi
Paint Lenga
Painter Kalenga
Pair ….bili
Palate Camfu
Pallet Mwiko
Palm Lupi
Palm tree Kambili
Palpitate Tunta
Pan Pani
Pant Pemekesha
Pants Itoloshi
Pants (short) Imputula
Papacy Bupâpa
Paper Ipêpala
Parable Ipinda
Parallel Lungatana
Paralyse Lemanika
Paralysed Lemana
Paralysis Bulebe
Parcel Cifunda
Pardon Luse
Parent Mufyashi
Parenthood Bufyashi
Parents-in-law Buko
Parrot (small type) Mucence
Parrot (large type) Icela mpundu
Part (n) Cipande
Part (leave) Lekana
Partial Cinani / ba no mucinshi
Particularly Pali bufi / Nakansha
Partition (house) Muputule
Pass Pita
Passion Bucûshi
Passport Pasu
Past Kale
Paste (porridge) Musunga
Pastime Mulesha citendwe
Patch Cikamba
Path Nshila
Patience Kushipikisha
Patrol Fita
Pave Kubatila
Paw Lukasa
Paw paw Ipapao
Pay (salary) Malipilo
Pea Ntongwe
Pea (ground) Lutoyo
Peanut Lubalala
Peanut butter Cikonko
Peanut sauce Fisashi
Peace Cibote
Peaceful Talala
Peck Sompa / Soba
Peculiar Belebensa
Pedal Cinyantilo
Peel Pala
Peep Lengela
Peer Bêbêta
Peg Lupôpo
Pen Nibu
Penalty Kupanikwa / Mafuto
Penance Mafuto / Cilumbulo
Pencil Pensulo
Penetrate Ingila
Penny Ipesa / Ikôbili / Peni
People Bantu
Pepper Mpilipili
Perceive Mona / Umfwa
Perfect – Suma sana
Perfection Bukumanisho
Perforate Tulaula / Pongola
Perhaps Nalimo
Period Nshita
Perish Onaika
Perjury Cilapo ca bufi
Permission Lusa
Perpetual Belêlela
Persecute Cûsha
Perseverance Mute / Mukubi
Persevere Shipikisha
Person Muntu
Perspiration Ibe
Perspire Piba mabe
Persuade Cimfya
Pester Pamfya
Pestle Mwinshi
Perversity Bupulumushi
Pet (care) Tentemba / Tekelesha
Petrol Petulo
Photograph Cikope
Piano Cinanda
Pick (tool) Cimbo
Pick (fruit) Saba
Picture Nsalamu / Pikicala
Piece Cipande
Pierce Tula
Pig Nkumba
Pig (wild) Kapoli
Pigeon Nkunda
Pigmy Kantele mafwasa
Pile (n) Mwina
Pile (v) Tûlika
Pillar Luceshi
Pillow Musao
Pilot Namutekenya
Pimple Lufine
Pinch Shina
Pineapple Cinanashi
Pioneer Solwesolwe
Pipe Paipi
Pit Mukanda
Pity Luse
Place Ncende
Place (put) Bika
Plague Cikuko
Plain Nika
Plait Citabataba
Plan Panga
Plane Bâsa / Pala
Plank Ipulanga
Plant (grass) Câni
Plant (seed) Byala
Plaster Masa
Plate Mbale
Platform Cintamba
Play (n) Cangalo
Play (v) Angala
Plead (beg) Lomba
Plead (guilty) Sumina
Please (cheer) Sansamusha
Please (beg) Papâta
Pleasure Nsansa
Pleasant -Suma
Plenty Bwingi
Pleurisy Kabali
Pliable Kondenkana
Pliers Lumano
Plough Lukasu lwa ng'ombe
Pluck Saba
Plug Cilika
Plum Lufungulo
Plunder -Tapa
Plunge -Ibila / -Tumpa
Pneumonia Kabali
Pocket Itumba
Point (sharpen) Songola
Point out Sonta
Poison Busungu / Cinkolwankolwa
Pole Cimuti
Police Polishi / Kapokola
Polish Pukuta
Polite Fûka
Politeness Mucinshi
Pollen Muluba
Pollute Lamfya
Poligamist Wa mpali
Poligamy Mpali
Pond Cishiba
Pool Cishiba
Poor …Landa
Pop Fyontoka
Pope Pâpa
Porcupine Cinungi
Porridge Musunga
Port Câbu
Portion (piece) Cipande
Portion (divide) -Akanya
Possess Kwata
Possible Kuti
Possibly Nakalimo / Nalimo
Post Tuma / Poshita
Poster Cipampila
Postpone Tantalisha / Kokosha
Pot (iron) Mupika
Pot (clay) Nongo
Pot (clay, water cooler) Mutondo
Potash Fishikisa
Potato Cilashi
Potato (sweet) Cumbu
Potato (dried, sweet) Nsemwa
Potter Kabumba
Pound (money) Paundi
Pour (liquid) Itila
Pour (solid) Fukumuna
Poverty Bupîna
Powder Bunga
Powder(crush) -Shona / -Shina
Powder (red) Nkula
Powder (gun) Maluti
Power Maka
Praise (n) Malumbo
Praise (v) Tasha
Pray Pepa / Sâlika
Prayer Isâli
Praying mantis Kakonkote
Preach Funda
Precede Tangila
Precept Cebo
Precious Ca mutengo
Precise Ba bwino
Predecessor Mutanshi
Prefer Temwapo
Pregnancy Ifumo
Pregnant Ba ne fumo
Preliminary …Ntanshi
Prepare Pekanya
Prescribe (order) Pêle cêbo
Presence Pa menso ya….
Present (gift) Bupe
Present (now) Ndakai / Nshita ya nomba
Present (be there) Sangwako
Presently Nombaline
President Katêka / Katungulula
Press (squeeze) Tininkisha
Pretence Malêle
Pretend -Cita nga
Pretext Mambepa
Pretty -Suma / -Wama
Prevent Lesha
Previous Ntanshi
Price Mutengo
Pride Cilumba
Priest Mupatili / Shimapepo
Priesthood Bushimapepo / Bupatilisho
Prison Cifungo
Prisoner Nkole
Privilege Bukata
Probable Kuti caba
Probably Nalimo
Proclamation Mbila
Produce -Lima / Panga
Profession Ncito / Mulimo
Profit Mwenamo
Profuse Busa
Prohibit Lesha / Kânya
Progress Buyantanshi
Prolific Sanda
Promise Cilayo
Pronounce Lumbula
Proof Cishinino
Prophesy (predict) Sesema / Sobela
Prophet Kasobela / Kasesema
Prosperity Bukankala
Prosperous Ba mukankala
Prostitute Iule / Kêtwa
Protect Cinga / Sunga
Protector Mwiminishi
Prove Shininkisha
Proverb Ipinda
Provide Fwaila
Provocation Lubuli
Provoke Tendeka
Provokingly Lubuli lubuli
Pseudo Wa bufi
Public Bonse
Publish Salanganya mashiwi
Pull Tinta
Pulse Mutunta
Pump (n) Pompi
Pump (v) Pompa
Pumpkin Cipushi / Mungu
Punch Fûta
Puncture Tula
Punish Pânika
Pupil Musambilila
Pupil (of eye) Mboni ya linso
Purchase Shita
Pure Nkonko
Purgatory Mutwala
Purify Wamya
Purpose Mulandu
Purr Buluma
Pursue Tamfya
Pus Mafina
Push Sunka
Put Bika
Puzzle Sungusha
Pygmy Kantele mafwasa
Python Lusato
Click on a letter of the alphabet to get to the appropriate section of the English to Bemba dictionary:
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Interesting and very nice. This is very progressive indeed
This is very encouraging but can there be a downloadable in pdf?
I really love it and it is so helpful
Candy, Thanks for your feed back. We are glad you find it useful.
Good day. I need wisdom on some translations please. They are:
pick (verb) – I have ‘imya’, ‘tola’ and you say it is ‘saba’. Which one is it?
bend (verb) – bendama, ukukontama, peta, icishoko or inama??
chat (verb) – ukulanda, ukwisha or ilyashi?
I would appreciate your help very much.
Kind regards
Hi Mia, here is our take on these words:
Uku Imya = to lift. (Fusion of vowels u & i = ukwimya).
Imya – (imperative verb) used in the context of lifting a load.
Imya imbokoshi = Lift up the box.
Ukutôla(ukutoola) = to pick up.
tôla* – used in the context of picking up something that has been dropped on the ground.
Nacitola indalama pamusebo = I picked up some money on the road.
Also used in the context of coming across something by chance.
ukutôla ishamo = to experience bad luck.
Ukusaba = to harvest, to pluck.
saba used in the context of plucking (picking) fruit off a tree.
Twalisaba indimu ishingi = We picked a lot of lemons.
Bendama – is town Bemba.
bendama (imperative verb) as in asking someone to bend over.
bendama (stative verb) = not straight.
Inshimbi naibendama = the metal is bent.
Ukupeta = to fold.
peta (imperative verb) = fold
Icishoko (noun) = corner.
Inama* (imperative verb) = bend over.
Ukulanda = to talk.
Umwana alesambilila ukulanda = The baby is learning to talk.
Ukwîsha = to chat.
Alitemwa ukwîsha = He / she likes to (hang out and) chat.
Ilyashi (noun) = discussion, news, or topic.
Ilyashi lya bulanda = Sad news.
Words with different meaning depending on the way it is pronounced:
Inama = meat
Inama = bend over
ukutola = to be stunted
Ukutôla = to pick up