Laws of Nature in Bemba

A friend received this translation of the Laws of Nature, from a friend of a friend, and forwarded it to me. It is too good not to share:

Science taught in Bemba

Whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux linking a circuit, an EMF is produced in that circuit the magnitude of which is proportional to the rate of change of flux but the direction is such as to oppose the change that produces it.

Ilyo lyonse kwaba ukusunkana muncende mulya ubulamba bwakwa kalambatila bwafuntukila, lyena kulaba icimfulunfulu cha malaiti icipangwa mu ntambo ya chela cibikilwe muli ilya ncende, no bukulu bwayako bushintilila pantanfu intu bulya ubulamba bwakwakalambatila bulesunkaninapo lelo intunga ciba kwati kususha yalya amaka yalecipanga.

A body will continue in its state of rest or uniform acceleration until acted upon by other external forces to act otherwise.
Icipe conse cilatwalilila ukwikala pamopene nangu ukukonkanyapo ukunyanyangala pa ntanfu iyashikimana mpaka kwaba ukupunfyanishiwa na maka yambi ukufuma kunse nga pilibula umubelo.

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton’s First Law of Motion


The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction of action of the force.

Ukunyanyangala kwa cipe kufininiina pa maka cilya cipe casunkilwapo ne ntunga ikonka kulya kwine kulolele amaka

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Kukucita konse kulaba ukupelululwa na maka ayalingana na yalecita.

If you know the author of this translation, please drop us a line so we can acknowledge the source.
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