Bemba Lesson 4: Visiting A Friend

In this lesson we cover some words you might want to use while visiting a friend.

BEMBA.                       ENGLISH

Odi                               May I come in?
Kalibu (Odini)              You may come in
Ingileni                         Please come / go in
Ikaleni pa mupando.  Please be seated
Bushe ba mayo epo bali?  Is the mistress at home?
Bushe ba tata epo bali?     Is the master at home?
Epo bali                        He /she is in
Awe tabalipo                No he / she is not in
Tabaliko                        He / she is not there
Bele kwi?                    Where has he / she /they gone?
Bele ku tauni             He / she / they have gone to town
Bele ku nchito           He / she / they have gone to work
Bele ku “market”       ”        ”        ”        ”       ”      to the market
Bele mukutapa amenshi.  He/she/they have gone to draw water
Bele ku cililo              He/she/they have gone to attend a funeral
Balebwela lilali?         When are they coming back?
Katwishi                      I am not sure
Nshishibe uko bali.    I don’t know where they are
Mwisakamana           Do not worry
Balaisa nombaline.  They are coming back very soon
Taba cilanda              They did not say
Taba cinjeba.             They did not tell me
Bacitila mulolele.       They asked if you could wait
Isaleni icibi.               Please close the door
Amenshi nayapya?    Is the water boiled?
Inganda ino isuma.      This house is nice
Inganda ino ikulu.      This house is big
Umwana uyu musuma. This baby/child is lovely/nice
Mwansekesha              You make me laugh
Mwisakamana ku cakulya. Do not bother preparing food
Natotela sana            Thank you very much
Shani tu “tea”?           How about some tea?
No mukaka                 With milk
Na mani                      With eggs
Na “bread”                  With bread
Na ma sikono             With scores

4 Thoughts on Bemba Lesson 4: Visiting A Friend
    20 Jan 2014

    I Would like to learn Bemba for my visit in September. I love learning a new language.

      22 Jan 2014

      Hi MsP,
      You are welcome to go through our Bemba Lessons.
      We wish you a rewarding journey.

    H. Heard
    31 May 2018

    Thank you so very much. I have someone I love that I speak to in English but now I can expand my conversation to express in their language. I hope to be able to write to them soon. MsH

      31 May 2018

      Hi H. Thanks for your feedback. It’s good to know you find these lessons useful.


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