Learning to speak Bemba language can be fun if you have some help. In this post we start our journey to populate an online English-Bemba Dictionary, in alphabetical order. The Bemba dictionary is not comprehensive but contains the more commonly used words.
If there are particular words you want to translate please feel free to leave a message below. If you speak Bemba and would like to participate, get in touch with us with suggestions about how you wish to participate.
Your comments and corrections are most welcome.
If you want to translate English to Bemba you can send in your word and we will do our best to include it in the Bemba dictionary. Or if you simply cannot wait until we get to the word you want to learn because it appears under the letter “Z” let us know and we will translate it for you.
Remember that we want to include all other Zambian languages here. So if you speak Lamba, Lozi, Tonga, Nyanja, Tumbuka, Chokwe, or any other Zambian language, you can start the ball rolling by sending in a few words at a time and we will add it to our database. You can translate Bemba or another language into English and vise versa.
The following table covers letters of the alphabet from A to M
Click on a letter of the alphabet to get to the appropriate section of the English to Bemba dictionary:
A , B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
(For Free English to Bemba Translation Service click here)
Coming soon: O – Z
Click on a letter of the alphabet to get to the appropriate section of the English to Bemba dictionary:
A , B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Hello, some years ago I´ve lived in Zambia and I´ve learned a bit Bemba, but never how to write it. I am searching for the Bemba translation of "we" and "us". I know the word but not the correct spelling. I would be so thankful if you could help me. Greetings Melissa
Hi Melissa, “We” and “us” are personal pronouns that overlap in Bemba.
We = Ifwe (pronounced “if” + “way”: ifway) / Tu (pronounced “too”) Us = Ifwe / tu
Examples: We are coming tonight = “Tuleisa mu cungulo (early night)” or “Tuleisa ubushiku.” (late night) We have come = “Twaisa” or “Tuleisa” We want = “Tulefwaya” We can do this = “Kuti twacita ici” We are going (to a place) = “Tuleya” We will go = “Tukaya” We are going to (do) = “Tuka….”
Among us = “Muli ifwe” Give us = “Tupeni” Belongs to us = “Yesu” It is us = “Nifwe” (pronounced “knee”+”foo” + “way”) It is not us =”Tefwe”
These are only some examples we hope will be useful. If you have specific phrases in mind, please let us know.
P/S Are you the Melissa who has posted those nice Youtube videos of Kitwe?
Dear Sir, thank you for this platform.
How do you say that “something is not old-fashioned” in Bemba?
We or us is translated as ‘IFWE’
We is…ifwe Us is…ifwe No difference
For some reason, I can only scroll down to the term 'Dysentery' How do I access the rest of the dictionary?
Hi, Thanks for your enquiry. The dictionary is being added to on a weekly basis. This week we will be adding the words starting with the letter “E”. The slow progress has been due to a shortage of man/woman power. We’ll get to “Z” soon.
You can now get the complete dictionary on Smashwords.com by clicking on the image of the dictionary above.
A very big thank you to those that have put in the hard work. I look forward to seeing the G-Z section completed. I passed through Kitwe and must compliment you on a lovely city.
Hi Ron, Thank you for your encouraging comments. We love Kitwe.
What does the word imiseela mean in English
Hi Many thanks for this excellent dictionary. I have a stupid question though..what are the words in the third and fourth columns? Thanks.
Thanks for your kind comments. We believe there is no such thing as stupid questions – only stupid answers. The words in the second and third columns are alternative words that mean the same thing. When we get round to the Bemba-English dictionary, for instance, it will show: SHITA (Bemba word) with BUY (2nd column) and PURCHASE (3rd column)
What is ilomba in English??
nalikutemwa mami wandi
Nalikutemwa mami wandi = I love you, my lady( / my girl).
What is good night my love in Bemba.Help me to also help myself how do i access a complete dictionary so i dont always have to log on for translations
Hi Tumie, “Goodnight my love” = “Sendamo mutende wecitemwikwa candi.”
You can click on the image of the dictionary above in order to access a sample of the complete dictionary. You can also purchase the complete dictionary on Smashwords.com
I enjoyed you web page. Dilema I have is that a Nigerian friend has asked me to translate for him a document from Bemba to English as part of his assignment programme.
I’m stuck as there are words like attrition and retention, participant, sustainability.
Hi Colletta,
There are certainly some terms for which there is no direct translation into Bemba. The context may help to circumnavigate this difficulty.
If the request is in form of a complete sentence, it is much easier to work on a helpful translation.
Send us your piece and we will give you a feedback on what we can do with it. If you don’t mind posting it here, let us know and we can post it so that other readers can help translate it.
kafwako in english please (SPOKEN FROM A MAN TO A WOMAN)
and how do u say I MISS YOU in bemba
We find it difficult to figure out “Kafwako” when taken out of context.
“I miss you” = “Ndekufuluka” (singular), “Ndemufuluka” (plural).
I give thanks to all, but what I want to say is that, when will u complete this dictionary coz I want to have in my phone.
What would be the bemba words for the following words 1. authenticity 2. Masculinity 3. Values 4. Vulnerability 5. Intense
Hi Lazarous. I consulted on these words. Both John Katebe and Pastor Martin Mubita,both of whom I have a high regard for, agree to the following:- 1. Authenticity – Buchishinka/ Ubufumachumi 2. Masculinity – Ubwaume/Buchilume 3. Values – Intambi/Intantiko 4. Vulnerability – Ubunake 5. Intense – Namaka/ Maka Maka. We hope more people will help answer these questions because no one person is an expert.
Im struggling to access the online English to Bemba dictionary, would it be possible to translate the following into Bemba for me please:
“Just look around you” / “Just look around”
Thanks _______________
“Just look around” = “Mona” (“Moneni” – plural)
How do you say (to someone you have just met/polite)… -please help us -come -follow me -he is your husband -he is not my husband -he is sick -eat now -sleep now -my house -my family -he will help you -thank you -God bless you (can you email me back with the answers?)
Come = Isa (singular), Iseni (plural) Follow me = Nkonka (s), Nkonkeni (p) He is your husband = Mûlume obe (s), Bâlume benu (p) He is not my husband = Temulume wandi (s), Tebalume bandi (p) He is sick = Mûlwele (s), Bâlwele (p) Eat now = Lya nombaline (s), Lyeni nombaline (p) Sleep now = Sendama nombaline (s), Sendameni nombaline (p) My house = Iɧanda yandi My family = Ulupwa lwandi He will help you = Alâmwafwilisha (s), Balâmwafwilisha (p) Thank you = Natôtela (s), Twatôtela (p) God bless you = Lesa akupâle (s), Lesa amupâle (p)
I posted this question in reply to a reply, but did not get an answer. Maybe this will work…?
Thanks for the previous translations! You’re a great help. I still have some words I am not sure about when I consult the dictionary:
free, the adj. (as in I am free) flow, the noun (as in a flow) live, the verbe (as in I live) And: Is mumana (stream) the noun or the verbe? I am interested in the verbe. Is shibula (awake) the adj. or the verbe? I am interested in the adj.? Is pindulula (change) the noun or the verbe? I am interested in the noun.
Thanks again, Madeleine
Hi Madeleine,
Sorry, your query slipped in under the radar.
Free (adj) = Lubuka “I am free” = “Nalilubuka”
Flow (noun) = Mulonga (singular), Milonga (plural)
Live (verb) = Ikala “I live in Kitwe” = Njikala mu Kitwe “We live in Kitwe” = Twikala mu Kitwe He / She lives in Kitwe = Ekala mu Kitwe They live in Kitwe = Bekala mu Kitwe
Stream (noun) = Mumana Stream (verb) / Current = Mulonga
Shibusha (verb) = Waken Shibuka (adjective) = Awake
Pindulula (verb) = Change something Pinduluka (noun) = Undergo change
I would like to know what the Bemba word is for 'enough' or 'sufficient'. For example, 'God's grace is sufficient/enough'. Thank you!!!
Enough = Linga, Fula “God’s grace is sufficient” = “Uluse lwakwa Lesa lwaliba ulwalinga.”
Hi, How do I say "happy birthday" to a friend in bemba? thanks
“Happy Birthday” = “Sefyeni ubushiku mwafyelwe” (Plural) = “Sefya ubushiku wafyelwe” (Singular)
this is quite a good site, helpful as well. I was wondering where can I get a hard copy of the English Bemba dictionary. you can e-mail me the info or post it on my web page. thank you
Hi Kudah, Thanks for your appreciation of KitweOnline. The KitweOnline Dictionary will soon be available in print. You can also get a dictionary from Amazon.
we need to lean more about your culture
Dr Ntumba, Thanks for your suggestion. You will be pleased to note our latest article is on Zambian marriage ceremonies. We hope to cover much more Zambian culture in future.
Please translate this for me into bemba:
I long to have you by my side always
To feel the warmth of your touch and embrace
I hope to see you soon because I really miss you.
“I long to have you by my side always” = “Nkabila ukuba mupepi naiwe lyonse” “To feel the warmth of your touch and embrace” = “Ukumfwa icikabilila chobe ilyo wankumya noku nkumbatila” “I hope to see you soon because I really miss you” = “Nde tetekela nkakumona panshita inono pantu ndekufuluka sana.”
Hello, can u translate: Hello brother, I started to study a little Bemba but just want to say that I miss u and all my brothers. Please say a little prayer for my daddy that is in the hospital had a minor surgery but hasn’t got out. Take care n lots of love
Thank you
“Hello brother, I started to study a little Bemba but just want to say that I miss you and all my brothers” = “We ndume, ndesambilila icibemba lelo ndefwaya fye ukukwishibisha ukuti ndekufuluka, pamo naba munyina bonse.”
“Please say a little prayer for my daddy that is in the hospital had a minor surgery but hasn’t got out. Take care and lots of love.” = “Ndekulomba ulempepelako ba tata abacili mucipatala umo baile babombela, tabalati bafume. Wikale uwaicingilila we citemwikwa.”
Hi thanks for your efforts! surely soon i will go to live to Zambia,at least for a huge amount of time,so please,can you translate me that into bemba? ''i miss you my sister,i really want to meet you'' thanks in advance p.s.just one more question,why i can only scroll to 'medicine',and not more words in the 'm'?
Hello Peter, ”I miss you my sister,I really want to meet you” = “Ndekufuluka we nkashi yandi, Ndefwaisha ukukumona.”
What do the words of this song mean?
Bana baka ntwa maela nkalala pi mamilambo mumilambo bana baka ntwa maela (not sure about the spelling) Any help would be wonderful
Hi Simon, We have asked around but could not get an answer for you. We have no idea what it means. We’ll keep looking. If one of our readers has some idea, perhaps they will tell us what the song means.
You've done an admirable job typing up all these translations. But don't you think you should acknowledge what I assume is the original source? You seem to follow Rev Hock's dictionary very closely.
Alice, Thanks for your comment. Rev. Hock’s dictionary along with The White Fathers’ Bemba-English dictionary are the two long standing works in this field. We have acknowledged Rev. Hock’s dictionary in the ebook version of our dictionary. Our emphasis is on the commonly spoken version of Bemba on the Copperbelt and along the line of rail in Zambia. This is heavily influenced by other languages (Lamba, Ushi, English, e.t.c.). Technological terms provide another challenge that we have only begun to address.
I must say this is a very commendable job you are doing. Kindly help me translate the word "purpose" in Bemba.
Hi Chileshe, Thanks for your comments. “Purpose” can generally be translated as “Umulandu.” This is a word that can be used in different ways. It is easier to determine if it’s the best word when used in a particular sentence.
Purpose can also be ” ubuyo” as objective” Thanks. Adams Lumuna French-Bemba teacher in DRCongo
Thanks for this dictionary, I have been begging my husband to teach me but he is too busy now I can self study and practice on him
Hi Andrea, Thanks for dropping by. We look forward to your active participation in the lessons. Send in your short phrases and sentences. We will do our best to translate them. You can also send suggestions about what lessons you would like to see.
how do you say Listening To The Great Teacher? i appreciate all of your assistance
Julian, “Listening to the Great Teacher” = “Ukukutika kuli Kafundisha Mukalamba.”
The translation depends on who is involved as well as the tense. Here are a few examples:
“I am listening to the Great Teacher” = “Ndekutika kuli Kafundisha Mukalamba” “I was listening to the Great Teacher” = “Nalekutika kuli Kafundisha Mukalamba” “He/She is listening to the Great Teacher” = “Alekutika kuli Kafundisha Mukalamba” (singular), “Balekutika kuli Kafundisha Mukalamba” (plural)
What is the Bemba translation for: conscious living true self now everything flows
Thanks, Madeleine
Hi Mdeleine, “Conscious living” = “Ubwikalo bwa maano” “(My) true self” = “Ine wine” “(Your) true self” = “Iwe wine” “Now” = “Nomba” “Nowadays” = “Shino nshiku”, “Muno nshiku” “Everything flows” = “Fyonse filapita”
Thanks for the previous translations! You’re a great help. I still have some words I am not sure about when I consult the dictionary:
free, the adj. (as in I am free) flow, the noun (as in a flow) live, the verbe (as in I live) And: Is mumana (stream) the noun or the verbe? I am interested in the verbe. Is shibula (awake) the adj. or the verbe? I am interested in the adj.? Is pindulula (change) the noun or the verbe? I am interested in the noun.
Thanks again, Madeleine
Good morning. Could you please translate these sentences for me? “Konse uko,naba kusha ulweko iwe” “ba lusaka ta bonfwa bale fwaya na ma sisters babo” “Eku mwabo? ule konka naiwe boi”
And is there any possibility to get full version of online dictionary?
Thank you very much. A.K.
Hi Alena, “Konse uko” sounds like a question in this context, meaning “All that?” “Nabakusha ulweko iwe” = “You have been left high and dry” (Abandoned) “Ba Lusaka tabonfwa” = People from Lusaka (or a person called Lusaka)are naughty. “Balefwaya nama sisters babo” = “They are even hitting on their own sisters” “Eku mwabo?” = “Is that his/her home?” “Ule konka naiwe boi” = Depending on the emphasis on “Ule”, this can mean “You should follow him/her, my friend” or it can mean “You have to follow him/her, my friend”.
You can get the Full English-Bemba Dictionary on Smashwords: http://bit.ly/KOL_Dictionary
How can I say I am feeling jealousy on Bemba
Hi Langa, “I am feeling jealous” is “Naumfwa kaso” “Akaso” means jealousy/jealous
could you please give the words for the ff: I , MY, MINE,IS, Pls use the in sentences like JOHN IS MY LOVE, JOHN MY LOVE, JOHN MY EVERLASTING
Hi Best, We have made a start on your request with our latest Bemba Lesson. http://bit.ly/Bemba_I_Me_My Your feedback will be most welcome.
what is a better translation of the following Words.. 1. interviews 2. programme
I want 2 get that bemba dictionary.
Hi Trevor, Thanks for your interest in the dictionary. You are the lucky winner of a free copy for November. When I tried to send it to you on the email address you provided, it was not possible. Please send me the correct address and I will mail your FREE copy.
How do you say “My roots” in bemba? Or in other zambian languages?
Hi Minnie, “My roots” mu ciBemba is “Mishila yandi”
i would like to find the proper bemba transalation for the traditional barter system based on exchange commodities based what i have is called Amakau ( things to barter) also what is correct bemba translation for Gifts of the heart or passion ( one’s natural passion)
I lived in Mporokoso for 1 year and the young men in the market would compliment my work partner on her upper leg of thighs. They were being playful with her at the time but I’ve completely forgotten the term they used. What might that word have been?
Could the word be “Legi“? Pronounced “Leggy”
How do you say Thank you for being a friend, for listening, and for your advice. Your a good friend to me. In Bemba Thank you
Sara, You can say “Thank you for being a friend” = “Ndetasha wecibusa candi” “for listening” = “Ulamposako amano ngandeshimikaka ilyashi” “and for your advice” = “No kumpandako amano” “You are a good friend to me” = “Uli cibusa wacine”
I would like to know what means: “Ninshi mulecita?Ala cikawama nga twamonana.”
Thank you.
Hi Alena, “Ninshi mulecita?” is “What are you doing?” – (plural/respectful) “Ala cikawama” = “It will be good/nice” “Nga twamonana” = “When/if we meet.”
What do the bemba names Mwila and Nkatya mean?
I would like to know how to say “Do not be afraid to go where it beckons you to go” in Bemba. I was told two different translations for this a long time ago and I would just like to get a second opinion to clarify. 1 -“Mwitina ukuya uko lilemisontelala ukuya” and 2- “Mwitina ukuya uko cilemusotelela ukuya “. Are either of these translations correct? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Alyshia,
Both versions of the interpretation can be used, depending on what the “it” refers to.
The difference is reflected in the “limusontela” and cilemusontela.” Different prefixes refine the reference to the subject: li…, ci…, fi…., tu….,ba….., etc.
Oh, okay I understand now. In the phrase, the “it” refers to something that is drawing you in a certain direction or calling to you….maybe a feeling.
In this case, which prefix do you think would be more appropriate?
Also, is the correct spelling for both: lilemusontela and cilemusontela? I think I spelled them incorrectly in the first message.
Thank you so much for helping me with this translation. I greatly appreciate it!
Alyshia, Different emotions have different prefixes. Examples: Envy = Akaso (Wikonka uko akaso kalekusontela = Don’t follow the direction your envy is pointing you) Joy = Insansa (Konka uko insansa shobe shilekusontela) Sorrow = Ubulanda (Mona uko ubulanda bulekusontela) Exasperation = Icifukushi (Mona uko icifukushi chobe cilekusontela)
Other words are similarly dependent on the prefix: Luck = Ishuko (Mona uko ishuko lilekusontela) etc.
Finally, lilemusontela and cilemusontela are correct. Lilekusontela (singular), Lilemusontela (Plural), Cilekusontela (sing.) and Cilemusontela (pl.).
I hope this helps to clarify the explanation.
Poison Mu Cibemba
Hi Lazarous, “Poison” = “Cinkolwankolwa” or “Busungu”
Hi what does Moye mean in english? Is it Maiden?
Hi Chanz, I am not sure what “Moye” means. I hope one of our readers will come up with a suggestion.
I think Moye should be a Ngoni word for Nacisungu (Virgin)
Thanks for your contribution.
Hi JS,
I am dating a gentleman from Zambia & would like to learn bemba. This site has helped me out a bit.
Thank you
Bonnie, I am happy to hear you are finding KitweOnline useful. Thanks for your feedback.
what is Voluntary in Bemba?
Voluntary-Ukuipelesha fye. (Umulimo wakubomba fye ukwabula ukucetekela amalipilo ayene yene) nangu cakuti kuti walipilwako kanono akakukutasha pafyo wabomba.
Voluntary- Ukuitendekela ukucita cimo ukwabula bambi ukukweba nangu ukupatikishiwa. Eg. Voluntary Counselling and Testing = Ukuitendekelako we mwine weka ukuya sambilila amano no kupimwa pa bulwele ukwabula ukulolela bambi ukukweba nangu ukukupatikisha.
What is the meaning of the word “form” as in a document in Bemba?
what are the word interview and signature in Bemba?
This is great site, thank you for putting it together, I am learning Bemba and Nyanja so I will be making this my home. Thanks again from Zimbabwe.
hi js im dating a zambian lady and i would love to learn the bemba language
Terrence, Please feel free to send in suggestions of any particular things you would like covered in the lessons. I am in the process of structuring a course that will be available in the new year.
I want a bemba english dictionary,where can i get it thanks.
Hi Trevor, You can get an electronic version of the dictionary from Smashwords. It’s only available as an ebook: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/158704?ref=drjs
The second edition will be ready in the new year and will be available as a print copy in addition to the ebook.
Hi, I would like to know how they say ” I understand how you feel” in Bemba,thank you !
keep it up
Thanks ba Sinkala.
A friend of mine was recently blessed with the name “Changwe Ngosa”. What does that name mean? and under what circumstances does a Zambian bless someone?
Could you please put the remaining letters in the alphabet. We are waiting.
president in bemba 2)- chief justice 3)- judge
president in bemba 2)- chief justice 3)- judge
President = Kateeka Chief justice = Judge = Kapingula
Chief Justice – Kapiingula Mukalamba.
“The great I am” in bemba
what is ulusonga(plant )in English
Hi Mulyata. “Ulunsonga” is the Bemba name for the milk bush plant commonly used as a hedge around houses. Wikipedia gives the following: “Euphorbia tirucalli (also known as aveloz, firestick plants, Indian tree spurge, naked lady, pencil tree, pencil cactus, sticks on fire or milk bush).”
what is in’gombe iyanakashi and iyaume in bemba?
Hi, ing’ombe iyanakashi is “cow”
Hi Collin, “Wood” = “Umuti” “Woods” = “Imiti” / “Impanga” “Fire wood”(many pieces) = “Inkuni” “Firewood”(one piece) = “Ulukuni”
What is the Bemba word for wood?
what Cinnamon in bemba?
What is ukulela in english
Hi Momo, “Ukulela” = to cradle, suckle, bring up(a child).
What does the sentence “Bali pa chuti “ mean
“Chuti” = Holiday. “Bali pa chuti” = They are on holiday (on leave)
the bemba name for wood is “inkuni”
What does “kapoli” mean?
What does the word “kapoli” mean?
Kapoli = Wild pig (Inkumba = domestic pig)
Oh I was clueless..thanks a lot
What does ‘Kanabesa’ mean?
Not just one meaning, Jess. For example: Kanabesa – Chief/king Kanabesa – important one/manager/ favoured one/ privileged one, etc Kanabesa – rich one
Rupert, thanks for pointing out these very important points.
Bedroom = Kukati atemwa Kucipinda
Ulubunda musana Tekuchipinda.
Send me the names of bicycle parts in Bemba
What does chiute mean
chuti came from duty. So when workers or miners were off-duty, it became pa chuti. Hence “bali pa chuti” is supposed to be bali “off-duty”: on leave or holiday
what is ulukobo in english
What is intuntulwa in english
How do you say “walamponya” in english
How cn u write the following words in bemba:declaration ,approva,abstract ,table of content & reference
I need this book in my pdf
Thank you for this dictionary! I lived in Mufulira 1972-5 and visited Zambia frequently between 1995 and 2015, mostly to Kitwe. Zambia has been significant in my life, for which I am grateful. I hope I will be able to visit a few more times to see my Zambia friends.
Will you be making a ichiBemba-English dictionary, or making your online dictionary searchable?
Its very helpful to us learners
Kindly help with bemba words for; 1. Influence 2. Impact
I am kindly requesting if the Bemba dictionary can be sent to my mail indicated below
Hi Evans. The Dictionary is available here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/158704
Meaning of integrity in bemba
Good evening May you help me to translate this word in bemba compromise
Compromise = Ukumfwana
Hello Sir, my name is Fr. Kim and now learning iCibemba on my own time. I’m currently in Kabwe. Do you have a hard copy of this Dictionary ( a second edition until Z if possible)? I would love to purchase a copy. You can send me through P.O Box then I can send the money through mobile or bank account…Thank you in advance.
Hi Fr. Kim. Thanks for your inquiry. As of June 2022, we do not have a dedicated hard copy of the 2nd edition on sale. We hope to have both eBook and Hard Copy for our 3rd edition which is still in the works.
Ulushishi nefwani what does it mean
Nachiwamasana indefwaya ukuwishiba ichisungu nefyo chilepilibula chibemba nalishiba
I am so thankful for this site. I would love for you to finish the rest if positive, this site has been very useful for me as I learn.
Hi Leonard. We are glad you find these lessons valuable. We will continue to add more.
What is Grace and Mercy In bemba
Fridge= Fan=
Please i am kindly asking this dictionary on my email. i am from kashikishi.
Hello sir, highly appreciate & recommend the initiative of the platform as it is really helpful & building, hat’s off! I wanted to find out the true meaning of a bemba saying which goes, (not sure if the words/spellings are correct, but the sequence should help)… “Chilamuntu nechiwa chakwe.” Thanks in anticipation!
Hello Sir, kindly assist me with the word “ukucenjelesha ” word in English.
Hi Allyce, cenjela = clever uku = to (be) sha = very ukucenjelesha = to be very clever. This is different from ukucenjesha which means to teach someone a (unpleasant) lesson.
What is ukutumuka in english
“Ukutumuka” is “bursting into a bigger fire/bigger flames”.
“U ku tumuka” (kindly note my spelling) refers to fire. That is, fire suddenly burning more strongly. “Burst”, on the other hand, can be used in other situations, as in “burst out laughing”.
So “U ku tumuka”, in its current usage, is situation-specific and is used only regarding fire. However, as language is dynamic, it is possible that some day, there will be “u ku tumuka mu ku kula” (“bursting out in growth”, to mean “suddenly growing much faster”).
Thank you for this. Would someone be able to transalte “The blood of Jesus brings peace in this evil world.”?
Hi, Thank you very much for the wonderful work of language preservation that you are doing. Would you kindly help me out with the meaning of Uku laisha in ici Ngeleshi. Your timely response will highly be appreciated
Hi Kafula. “Ukulaisha” = to Relay (news / information or an object)
What is the meaning of Da Bukata in Bemba language, can someone help me with the meaning please?
Hi. I’m wondering how I can get access to this book either buying it or soft copy. I’m currently in Kabwe and I need the book to be able to learn the language.
I would like you to continue working in this manner and also work on french please please may bless you
Hi, thanks you very much this wonderful work I am asking for “Mwamena kwabene” this word what is meaning
Looking for a bemba word for A WONDER is it Busungushi or Busungusho?