
Zambian culture is a mixture of traditions from all 73 Zambian tribes influenced by practices from other countries.

SHE – Women of Kitwe – 20.09.2013

Kutemba Muchima

.. .. MEET Kutemba Muchima Kutemba Muchima, born from Obed Julaki Muchima and Joyce Mwangu Muchima on the 14th July 1983, is the second last born in a family she can only describe as a tree with branches. With her biological parents deceased, she says God has blessed her with a second set of parents…

SHE – Women of Kitwe – 26.07.2013

Sarah Kakene - 3 - kitweonline

.. .. Meet SARAH KAKENE Sarah was born on 24th December 1989.  She is a strong Christian girl and belongs to the Reformed Church of Zambia.  She is a product of Kabulonga Girls High School. Sarah works as an Accountant at Wimpy in Kitwe, and her motto at work is: “To be an effective team…

Kapenta – What’s in a Name?

Dried Kapenta - kitweonline

Do you know the link between Kapenta and the Copperbelt province of Zambia? Kapenta is a popular small, silvery fresh water lake fish. It is also a name with an interesting history. The name Kapenta was coined by miners on the Copperbelt to describe two closely related species of Lake Tanganyika fresh water fish –…

SHE – Women of Kitwe – 12.07.2013

Elizabeth Kaminsa - kitweonline

.. .. Meet ELIZABETH KAMINSA I work for Kitwe City Council as a Community Development Officer.  I have been with the Council for four years.  I love my work because I enjoy working with people. I am pursuing a degree in Social Work and Development with University of Africa, which I am due to complete…

Bemba Lesson 19 – The Basics of the Bemba Language

Learn Bemba on KitweOnline

Mwaiseni (Welcome) Welcome = Mwaiseni As discussed in Lesson 8 – Learn How to Read and Pronounce Bemba Words, the Bemba language uses the same letters of the alphabet as English. Before learning to make sentences in Bemba, you need to know about the building blocks. This lesson covers Vowels Special vowel sounds (Double vowels)…

SHE – Women of Kitwe – 28.06.2013

Ireen Samutuhu 1 - kitweonline

.. .. Meet IRENE SAMUTUHU I am married and have 7 children.  I am a business woman here in Kitwe.  I work hard to contribute to my family’s welfare. I did my secondary education at Mukinge Girls Secondary School. In my spare time I get involved as Bana Chimbusa or as a matron at weddings…

SHE – Women of Kitwe – 14.06.2013

Bridget Kaite 1 - kitweonline

  .. SHE is a platform to show and talk about the women of Kitwe.  It has nothing to do with social standing, wealth, beauty, disability, education, profession, success etc.  No.  It is simply ‘The Women of Kitwe’ and will therefore endeavour not to have any form of bias.  I shall also be happy to receive profiles and…

Independence Avenue, Kitwe Video

Hotel Edinburgh Kitwe - kitweonline

Photos by Richard Katebe Photos taken along Independence Avenue in February, 2013. Going South from the Kitwe Fire Station to Hotel Edinburgh. Views include Kuomboka Drive, Engen Filling Station, Pamo Lodge, Dazi Lodge, Kitwe Central Hospital Eye Ward, After 10 Round About, Mega Shopping Center, Puma Filling Station, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, St. Margaret’s Church, Old…

Story Telling Shadows

Attraction - Shadow Act

Attraction performed this breathtaking, imaginative Shadow Act on Britain’s Got Talent. They got a well-deserved standing ovation.     ________

Bemba Lesson 18 – Around the House


For clarity, we have left a gap between the pronoun and the verb. In practice, this is written without a gap, e.g. “Nde ipika” should be written as “Ndeipika,” Here is a list of the verbs that have been covered in this lesson: Clean, Cook Dance Eat Read Shower, Sleep Walk, Watch TV Cleaning I…