Discover Kitwe

Culture, Entertainment, Getting Around, Things To Do

Tonga Initiation Ceremonies

The preparation of a Tonga girl into cultured  adulthood BY: GLORIA MIYOBA In all most almost all Zambian tribes, a girl is isolated from other playmates and friends for sometime when she reaches puberty. Every tribe has got their own way of preparing the girl child for challenges and experiences associated with womanhood in early…

Kapenta in peanut butter sauce

This is a tasty traditional Zambian meal. You will need:                          Dried Kapenta 500 grams                         (1) Pounded groundnuts/Peanuts (sieved) 500 grams                      …

Tasty Soya Pieces Recipe

  Let's Cook with Bubala      This is a delicious Zambian vegetarian dish.       You will need:     1 packet tasty soya pieces (125g)     1 medium sized tea cup for measuring cooking oil     1 medium bowl           Ingredients: 2 medium ripe tomatoes 1…

Marrying, the Tonga Way

Zambian Marriage Traditions Photo by David.Monniaux In our earlier article on the subject of Zambian marriage tradition, we talked about various types of symbolic meals that are delivered to the groom by his bride’s family at different stages of the marriage process. In this particular article we will talk about marriage in accordance to the rich…

Letters From a Retired Miner – Part 6

Archeologist Refuses Gifts Today I want to tell you what happened in Mansa. This world has things which surprise me. My nephew, Chipasha James, works in Mansa as a school teacher. The last time I saw him was that time we went for his wedding 2 years ago.  In January this year they had their…

Grilled Garlic Chicken Wings Recipe

Let's Cook with Bubala Make these tasty treats as mild or hot as you wish. Serves 4 as an appetiser. Container: Grill Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Serving Description: 6 wings Ingredients:   12 chicken wings 1 0nion 2 tablespoons minced garlic or 1 tablespoon garlic powder 2 tablespoons spicy mustard 1/2…

Bemba Lesson 13: Days, Weeks, Months, Seasons

The following are the terms used to describe the days of the week. We follow this up with some examples of common usage. WEEK DAYS The prefix “Pali” means “On” , e.g. “On Monday” ,except for Saturday and Sunday when “pa” is used:   MONDAY                  –  …