Bemba Sayings

The wisdom of the Bemba people has been passed from generation to generation in oral tradition. Bemba sayings have a superficial meaning as well as a deeper one. The deeper one carries the intended teaching.

Publish Your Book in Bemba for Free: Empowering Authors in African Languages

Prof. Pardon Mwansa

In this video, Professor Pardon Mwansa shares the profound Bemba proverb, ‘Ifikala Chimbwi tefikala nama ikata,’ which translates as, ‘The ways of the Hyena are not the ways of an animal of prey.‘ Professor Pardon Mwansa’s signature storytelling style shines brilliantly in this video, as he captivates his audience with his animated and engaging delivery.…

Words of Wisdom

Dr Pardon Mwansa

Dr. Pardon Mwansa’s YouTube channel is a treasure trove of Bemba language videos aimed at educating viewers. The channel, praised for its engaging content, features proverbs and sayings. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe for updates on new videos, as this resource offers a unique window into the Bemba language and culture.

Akashi Ushilala

Joseph Mwila Bwembya_s - KOL

Akashi ushilala bakakumbwa umutenge. Emukutiila: Tekwesha ukulakumbwa in’ganda yabanobe nangula ubwikalo bwabo pantu tawaishiba ifyo baikala muli ilya ng’anda. Literal meaning: There are many people who admire other people’s lives not knowing that they also have got their own problems which may even be too hard as compared to them.(“The grass is always greener on…

Bemba Proverbs And Sayings

Musuku unripe fruit_Uapaca_kirkiana_1

Amapinda Ne Nsoselo “Amasuku yakutolelwa mapompo.” English Meaning: That is to say: Do not leave a task that you can manage to do with others because it may not be done as you expected or it might be spoiled. Bemba Meaning: Emukutila: Wilalekela ababiyo ukuti bakubombele umulimo untu wingakwanisha ukubomba wemwine pantu limbi kuti bakulufyanishisha.…

Bemba Proverbs and Sayings

Joseph Mwila Bwembya_s - KOL

Amapinda Ne Nsoselo We ushishi njili soimwene mulunweno. That is to say: You who does not know the person we were talking about, come and see him now. Emukutila: Mune weushaishiba ulya muntu twalelandapo, ala somumone uyu.

Do You Charge Your Child to Teach Him?

Traditional drums - (kitweonline)

Letters From a Retired Miner Greetings my friends. I want to say that Joseph Mwila Bwembya is only a baby, but in his brains he is a wise man.  This is why he said let me write a book to explain the sayings of my Bemba ancestors. I wish other young men and women can…

Amapinda ne Nsoselo – 7

Joseph Mwila Bwembya_s - KOL

7. Nine titi uushangila mulya mung’omba, kano mwipindo lyandi. That is to say: I can survive without the favours of the great. Emukutila: Kuti nakwanisha nangu cakuti tamungafwile mwe bakankala. For more proverbs check out Joseph’s book: “PA NSAKA” BEMBA PROVERBS & SAYINGS 1 (Explained both in English and Bemba)By Joseph Mwila Bwembya

“Pa Nsaka” – Bemba Proverbs & Sayings – 1

A book by Joseph Mwila Bwembya Joseph Mwila Bwembya has shared some Bemba sayings and proverbs here on KitweOnline. He has compiled even more Bemba wisdom into Part 1 of “Pa Nsaka” – Bemba Proverbs and Sayings“, published on To buy your printed copy, click on the image below. PA NSAKA is a compilation…

Amapinda Ne Nsoselo – 6

Bemba Proverbs: 6. “Umulume wambwa tankila mubiye.” That is to say: Don’t rely on your friends to provide for you, fight your own battle. Emukutila: Wicetekela ukuti abanobe ebo balekufwaila ifyo ulekabila mubwikalo bobe.     ______________

Amapinda Ne Nsoselo – 5

Bemba Proverbs: 5. “Nine titi uushangila mulya mung’omba, kano mwipindo lyandi.” That is to say: I can survive without the great. Emukutila: Kuti nakwanisha nangu cakuti tamungafwile mwe bakankala.   ___________