Kitwe On Line

The Hub of the Copperbelt

Bemba Lesson 15.1 – How to Ask a Question – WHAT? – To Want

One of the fastest ways of learning any language is by asking the right questions. Ici Bemba (the Bemba language) is no exception. One way of politely correcting someone is by asking him a question about what he is doing. Knowing how to ask a question and knowing when you are being asked one is…

Bemba Lesson 14: Personal Pronouns – I, Me, My

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Personal Pronouns In Bemba, the personal pronoun changes depending on: Whether it is used as the subject or the object of a sentence The tense The negative The personal pronoun can be used as the subject or as an object of a sentence. This will determine how it is said. When used as the subject,…

Sweet Potato Leaves – Zambian Recipes

Photo by Obsidian Soul Sweet potatoes are good for energy. In Zambia sweet potatoes are eaten as a vegetable. They are tasty and nutritous. Ingredients Sweet potato leaves or kalembula as they are commonly known in Zambia. 500grams 2 medium tomatoes and 1 medium bulb onion. 1 dessert spoon cooking oil. 2 teacups pounded groundnuts.  …

eBook Readers in Zambian Schools

    Some Zambian children have never seen a dial phone. They use mobile phones. True. Some Zambian children have never seen a library, they use electronic book readers (ereaders). False. With regard to the telephone, Zambian children have leap-frogged into the future with mobile phones, skipping the dial phone. The same cannot be said…

Village Chicken

  Photo: Tom W. Sulcer A chicken is a well-known bird all over the world and is very delicious. A village chicken is not fed on special chicken feed like broiler starter and finisher. A village chicken wonders about during the day in search of food. It is not confined to the chicken run like…

Lack of Parking Space in Kitwe

  “Underground parking the solution?” The increase in mining activities on the Copperbelt in the recent 10 years has seen a rise in traffic. There has been a steady growth in disposable incomes for people on the copperbelt. Most people are now able to save some of their disposable income to buy used Japanese cars.…

Translators Wanted

Swahili and Zulu language translators required to translate a film script. The project is based in Kitwe. If you are interested, leave your name and contact number or email address below. ____________

The Lord’s Prayer in Zambian Languages

Every Christian learns the Lord's Prayer. There is currently no common record of the Lord's Prayer in Zambian languages on the internet. Help us update this page by sending in your corrections and the Prayer in different Zambian languages. Write in the box below. Progress report to date: 2/73 languages done.   BEMBA Our Father, who…

Why my Visitors Cried at Supper Time

Letters from a Retired Miner Last month I invited a missionary friend to visit my house. His son and daughter came to visit him from Scotland so I said come and see my house with your father. The boy was 15 years old. His name was Gerald. Monica, the girl was 8 years. They were…

The Story of the Orphan Snail

Photo by Fir0002/Flagstaffotos Zambian Fireside Stories Once upon a time, there was a snail whose parents died shortly after he was born. He was homeless. During the day, he would wander aimlessly, looking for food. At night, he would look for a place to curl up and sleep. He led a lonely life. One morning he…